Simplifying your life can mean both in your physical and mental spaces; decluttering, purging, mindful practices and single-tasking all help you eliminate noise and distractions. Which in turn results in actually getting more done of what’s actually important.
With these prompts, start exploring what you need to start putting down so you can pick up more peace of mind!
Take Inventory. Think about what activities you classify as ‘filling your cup’ and those that require you to ‘pour out’ or drain your cup. Write it out or illustrate it all. What themes are popping up for you as you look at what you’ve written/drawn?
Simple can mean being mindful. Just being present in the moment can simplify your busy thoughts on a day to day basis. If you tend to multi-task, decide which one activity you can be more mindful when engaging with it. Stick to it for a week and reflect on how your experience with it changes throughout the week.
‘No’ is a full sentence. Have a hard time saying no, or needing to explain why you cannot say yes? Reflect on times where this is difficult and why. How did it make you feel to say yes in spite of wanting to say no? What would you gain if you said no instead?
If you had to pick one… List out 6 things on your plate. Imagine you are juggling all of them for next week - but the max you can juggle is 5. One has to be put down, or all the balls will fall. Which do you pick and why?
Progress means momentum! The simple act of decluttering a space, even one as small as a sock drawer, can help bring relief and repeatedly ease our minds. Is there a space in your home you’ve been thinking of reorganizing for a while - picture what it would look like organized and how it makes you feel.
Release that which doesn’t serve you. Reflect on something that really got you frustrated or worked up this week. What was the situation, how did you respond and why do you think you responded that way? How did you feel after your reaction? Is there an alternative to either avoid the situation or respond differently in the future you can imagine?
Save and download this prompt card

Journaling about simplifying your life can be a game-changer. By decluttering your physical and mental spaces, practicing mindfulness, and focusing on single-tasking, you can eliminate distractions and noise. This allows you to concentrate on what truly matters, ultimately boosting your productivity and overall well-being.
Imagine what your future life looks like when you simplify it and make room for that which fills your cup.