Building, Bonding and Having Fun - Team Writing Prompts
We often associate team building with cringeworthy work adjacent activities masquerading as casual social fun.
These prompts are meant to be thought-provoking, but also low barrier and inclusive so everyone on the team feels they can share their honest feedback and a little bit more about them that others may never have known.
As a starting suggestion we recommend there be an opening statement to set up a safe space with simple rules of engagement to move through the prompts in a group setting.
Quotes to Live By. Everyone has a quote or two that lives rent free in their head that succinctly describes a powerful principle or philosophy you live by. Share yours and why it means so much to you.
Now, translate it to the team. How do your values contribute to the team’s success?
Get to know one another. Personal (but not invasive) questions can help team members get to know one another on a more holistic level, and find commonalities. Simple questions like “What is your favourite dish, travel spot, etc. ” or “This or That” can help ease into the afternoon/evening as well. Another relatable question would be “How do you unwind after a long day?”
I appreciate you. Working together day after day, the importance of kindness, support and collaboration is paramount. Write a letter of appreciation to a colleague who has positively impacted your work experience.
Best Advice you’ve ever received. We all have a notable experience or words of wisdom that had a significant impact on the trajectory of our career. Reflect on this memory and these words and how you were forever transformed by it.
Your coat of arms. Think about if you personally had a sigil or ‘coat of arms’ that represents what is most important to you in your life and your core values. You do not need to be artist, however, list out those 4 core important things that you care about/define who you are (these can go on the crest), and the three values that depict what you stand for (3 words for the banner).

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At the end of the day, life is all about the connections we make and the memories we create. When work is a big part of our life, it's important to take the time to bond with co-workers on a personal level and celebrate the team's wins together to add a sense of fulfillment and joy at work. We hope these writing and conversation prompts can help facilitate that.