These prompts are all about taking a moment to appreciate Mother Earth and the beauty and calm she brings.
We encourage you to take your journaling experience outdoors to get the most of this experience!
Today in Nature. Take a pause to observe what is happening in nature around us - the air, the sky, the trees, the ground, the animals, even the water that may be near us. What do you observe with all of your senses and what feelings does it evoke for you?
Get Grounded. ‘Grounding’ is the act of reconnecting our body to the Earth's natural electric charge to help stabilize our physiology. What practices in your life can help ground you to the earth to reduce stress and promote greater well being?
Mother Earth as Teacher. If Mother Earth could share her wisdom to you, what lesson could she share with you that would be helpful at this time in your life?
Flow like water. Often this refers to being adaptable, agile, and being able to accept imperfection, and still be at peace. Where in your life can you learn to ‘go with the flow’ a bit more to be at peace?
Think about one of your favourite things in nature. It could be a landscape, a tree, a sunset, the scent of a summer breeze. Fully describe it vividly, as you’ve either experienced it in reality or imagined it to be, and all the ways it makes you feel when you are there. Close your eyes and commit this to memory as a place you can always go to.