Traveling with Purpose

Traveling with Purpose

Any new place we go to offers us an opportunity to learn more about the world around us, but moreover about ourselves.

Take these prompts with you on your next trip – they are wonderful ways to digest new places or experiences, and create true meaning from them, the greatest gift of travel!

  • Set an intention.  Think back to what made you decide to take this trip - what motivated you? What are you hoping to do, or feel what you were hoping to do or get out of it.  
  • Showing up.  Part of making the most of your trip is how you approach it.  How do you plan to show up every day and what energy will you bring to it?
  • Daily Mindfulness and Gratitude.  No matter what happens, each day write down 3 things you are grateful for, or highlights of the day - big or small.
  • Learning is Growing.  Lessons take many forms - being introduced to something new, or something not going to plan. What are some of the lessons that helped you grow along this travel journey?
  • Circle Back.  Did you achieve what you had originally intended? Or perhaps did your intention change along the way and why?
  • Take it with you.  What are the things - physical, mental, emotional that you plan to take back with you and what impact will each of these have on your life and those around you?
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