New Year and New Beginnings - big things start with small changes
The start of a new lunar or calendar year can be so motivating on getting started on something new, or picking back up where you previously left off.
No matter how the new year inspires you, these journaling prompts can help you contemplate where it's most important to channel this energy to help become the best version of you. One simple action at a time.
Take one action. Is there one practice you’ve been thinking about starting for your physical/mental/spiritual wellness? Write it down. Just one. How do you think you can incorporate it into your daily/weekly routine?
Leave one action. Perhaps there is one thing you’d want to stop doing this year. It could be a habit, a thinking pattern - nothing is too small. Be specific, think about why you’d benefit in leaving it, and how you’ll implement taking out of your life.
Follow your heart… and mind. It could be a place to travel to, or a hobby or sport to try, a new skill to learn - what are a few things that have been in the back of your mind for years to do? List them, pick whichever makes you most excited and spend a few moments looking into how you could make it happen.
Build a bond. Think of one person you’d like to develop a closer relationship with. What draws you to this person, and how would you reach out to them?
Get Inspired. One book you want to add to your TBR list is ______?
Set an intention. Or a goal, or an objective. Whatever you want to call it, it’s about creating a simple statement that captures where or who you want to be by the end of the year, and where all your actions (even the ones above!) should align back to.
Download and print this prompt card
When you take the time to reflect and journal, you open yourself up to new opportunities for growth and self-improvement. You may discover hidden passions, uncover limiting beliefs, or find clarity on what truly matters to you. Use a Mindful Productivity Planner to help you set goals and keep your milestones top of mind each day. If you make this a regular practice, it becomes so much more than setting new year resolutions. I hope this new year brings new energy and new beginnings.