Mindful Journaling for Our Mental Health

Mindful Journaling for Our Mental Health

We know that journaling supports our mental health in many ways. It helps release feelings and process emotions, improve your self awareness, prioritize problems you may be facing and help encourage positive self-talk leading to increased self-esteem.  

It can even help with boosting immunity through the increase in antibodies you get when writing out stressful events.  Incredible!

These prompts are designed to get you thinking about things that are outside your day to day and getting them down on paper will help crystallize what they mean to you.

  • Everyone needs a day off, not just Ferris Bueller.  How would you spend your perfect day off? Use great detail, and worry less about the budget, travel time and your current capabilities or constraints. Free flow and make sure you’re smiling right through! 
  • It gets me every time.”  What makes you feel the most inspired? Or give you goosebumps? Or gets you choked up (in a good way!)?
  • Take what you really need.  What is your favorite form of self-care that recharges your batteries no matter how unglamorous it may be? Why does this do it for you?
  • Tapping into our basic survival.  What comes to mind first when you think of what makes you feel safe?
  • This is me.  What are five things about yourself you want people to know? Why don’t you think they know it already?
  • Don’t overthink it - first thing that comes to mind.  If you were to improve one thing about your life, what would that be? Why does this come up for you above anything else? What's currently preventing it from being where you need it to be and can you break that barrier?

Download and print this prompt card

The process overcoming mental stress is different for everyone. One thing that is for certain is you must choose to take action - even the smallest step forward is an inch towards brighter days. Journaling can be your first effort to understanding your mental state and asking yourself how you're doing and what you need.

If you need mental health support, there are lots of resources online.

Mental health maintenance starts before any stress appears. Stay proactive and stay positive. We hope these writing prompts help you to increase your self-awareness.

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