Have you ever unintentionally or unwillingly lingered in the greeting cards aisle at the store going through dozens of cards looking for the one that most accurately expresses what you want to say? Finally, you settle for one because you’ve just wasted way too much time there, and you accept that you’ll never find the perfect one.
And although there isn’t a perfect one out there, you struggle to write your own. The best greeting card messages are those that come from your heart. But for some people, writing is not an easy task.
So, here are some ideas. Feel free to use them exactly as they are, or let these inspire you to write your own sentiments.
For another family
From our family to yours, warmest wishes for a holiday season of love, laughter and quality time with your precious ones. And let the magic of Christmas spark a joyous and harmonious new year.
For the all-giving mom
For the mom who is always giving, may you receive this holiday season what makes you truly happy: good health, security, and harmony for the entire family that will last a lifetime. Let your heart be filled with so much love that it bursts with light and joy to illuminate your world.
For the busy, hard-working entrepreneur
Wishing you a festive yet restful break this holiday season that is filled with love and peace. Let the joys of Christmas lift your spirit to enjoy lots of prosperity, health and happiness in the new year.
For teachers
A teacher who inspires the world’s young minds is deserving of the gifts of love, wisdom and good health in a peaceful world. May all of these be yours this holiday season and new year as you take a well-deserved rest with your loved ones.
For the love of your life
You are the love and light of my life. As we celebrate this special time of year, let us share kisses as sweet as candy canes, comfort as warm as hot cocoa, and joyous moments as lasting as our love.
For religious friends and family
May God’s angels sprinkle your holiday moments with love and laughter, and fill your new year with blessings of harmony and good health. A very merry Christmas to you and yours.
And to you, our readers and loyal customers, we sincerely wish you all the intangible gifts that make your heart melt, your eyes bright, and your smiles wide. Whatever you are celebrating this time of year, may it bring you love and joy that inspires a bright new year.