Reaching for the stars: interview with collaborating photographer

Reaching for the stars: interview with collaborating photographer

Photographer Arthur Yao, Wander & Explore notebook cover

You never forget your firsts. Think of your first bike or the moment you first rode it for more than 3 hold a special place in your heart for that moment right? One of our first collections, which we constantly stare at with pride and loving eyes, is Wander & Explore.

Designed with adventurers and travellers in mind, this collection consists of a large multi-purpose spiral notebook, a travel-size set of kraft notebooks, and a luxurious vegan leather journal that is the perfect accent to coordinate with the paint on the road less travelled. The feature cover of the large spiral notebook is actually a masterpiece of Arthur Yao, an up and coming photographer from London, Ontario, whose work has been featured in Canadian Geographic.

We talked to Arthur to understand more about the stunning picture he captured. Let us share with you our interview.

Us: “Where were you when you captured this photograph?”
AY: “I took this photo somewhere in Grey County, about 20 minutes outside of Kincardine, with a few close friends. We had specifically ventured out into the night to view the Milky Way and Perseid Meteor Shower.”
Us: “What specific artistic goal did you have when taking this photograph?”
AY: “My idea behind the photograph was to have the yellow lines on the road lead into the Milky Way. This is a common technique for photographers as elements in the image can be used to attract the audience’s attention to certain areas of the photo.”
Us: “What inspires you as a photographer and do you have a specific passion area?”
AY: “There are so many different interpretations of the world, and having the opportunity and privilege to be inspired by fellow creators and share my own experiences is what inspires me to continue perfecting this craft. Although I have shot many genres of photography, my heart still lies with wildlife photography.”
Us: “What advice would you give writers or artists to create pieces that will capture people's hearts?”
AY: “Art is not only a portrayal of your own thoughts and feelings, but also functions as a tool to help you discover yourself. With that in mind, being willing to make and learn from mistakes can help you create genuine stories from your artwork. Keep creating, the world needs your perspective!”


We sure hope that Arthur will continue creating! The world needs his images, which gently forces us to open our eyes to the magnificence of Mother Nature and maybe even long to experience it in ourselves.
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