Not only am I an avid reader, I’m also someone that loves to plan everything. I’m very organized when it comes to reading. I’ll show you how I used my Do Good Paper Co. Vintage Rose Grid Journal to create my 2022 book journal, and the trackers I created for the year and then how I plan my reading.
My first page is a tournament style battle to see what the best book I read in 2022 will be. Each month I'll add in my favourite book on the left. Then as the year progresses, I will decide between two books, then three books, then 2 semi-finalists. To eventually determine the best book of 2022. The second page is for total pages read. In my Angie Way set up I track my pages read each day for the month and end up with a total number of pages read per month. I will put that monthly total in each month on the left, to end the year with a grand total of pages read in 2022.
Next I have a two page spread of an empty bookshelf. I accidentally drew 170 blank spaces to this will not get filled up but it will still look cool. As I finish books, I will write the title in one of the blank spaces and slowly fill the shelves through the year.
The next two pages are for tracking non-fiction reads and audiobooks. I have set a goal to read 12 non-fiction books in 2022 and I've been listening to more audiobooks now that I have a longer commute. So I want to track which of the books I read are in audio format.
The last section of trackers is for books I want to prioritize in 2022. First I chose 22 books off my shelves that have been there unread for a long time. For example, Circe, I have been saying I will read that one for two years. So, this is a way for me to push back list books from my shelves to the forefront in 2022. And not be so distracted by new books. The second page is for series I want to prioritize. The goal is to clear some of the series from my unread shelf. For me I've chosen two categories. Series I have started and not finished, and series on my shelf that are all there but I've yet to read any of them. I think this is such a fun prompt that will also help me clear some of the many unread books on my shelves.
The rest of the notebook will be used for my monthly Angie Way reading plan. You can learn more about it on my blog. But basically I pick books I want to prioritize for the month and schedule daily pages for them. I also track how many pages I read every day because I love tracking things.
So that’s it! Those are all the yearly pages and a shot of my January Angie Way plan! I hope I’ve given you some inspiration for your own book journal!
Happy Reading!
-- Written by Angie S.
Photos by Angie
Angie is an avid reader and member of bookstagram! She likes yoga, reading, running, and snuggling with her dog, Chewie. You can find her on Instagram @readwithangie and check out her blog