A planner that prioritizes your health

A planner that prioritizes your health

Is this you?... At the start of every season, you promise yourself that you are going to focus on your health. Get back into shape and eat healthy. Drink lots of water and stay mindful throughout the day.

Do you often make health and wellness goals that usually end up forgotten because other everyday tasks take over and there just aren’t enough hours in a day? Help is here! The Mindful Productivity Planner, 2nd Ed. is a planner that prioritizes your health! Let us explain to you how.

Before we continue, let’s be clear about something. Health means your overall health, which encompasses your physical, mental and emotional health. All are important, and this planner recognizes that.

Set up for the quarter

Near the start of the planner, there is a full spread dedicated to getting your mind in the right place. You proactively plan, so you can go into the next 3 months with intention and direction. There is a section called “Wellness Check” and this is where you give yourself a rating for your current performance in the areas of:

  • Water intake
  • Exercise (quantity)
  • Energy level
  • Physical health
  • Emotional health
  • Overall happiness

You can also write down the things that bring you positivity, and what you will focus on to elevate your wellness. With these sections done, you can come back to review them whenever you hit a bump in the road and are feeling low.

The planner also has space for you to create your goals for the next 3 months. You can create a personal goal, a work/school goal and one other goal. We highly recommend that you make one of these a health-related goal, so that it stays top of mind when you plan your daily activities.


Plan your daily activities

Each day’s page has plenty of room for you to prioritize your health. Start (or end) your day reflecting on something you’re grateful for. The page has a large section for your to-do’s and email/call list, but there is also a section for meal planning, water intake tracking, and your daily mindfulness and/or physical exercise. With these sections built into your daily pages, it will not be easy for you to forget about your health goals.


Monitor your progress weekly

At the end of the week, there is a page for you to do a Week in Review. See how you’re doing on your 3 goals and reflect on what helped you get closer to your goals, and what might have held you back. By completing this exercise, you go into the new week fully aware and prepared.

Side note: at the end of the week, you can also write down a special memory from the week. Record and read them from time to time, so that you can remind yourself of the good things that happen in your life. Visualize your smile growing bigger and more permanently as you review all the precious moments you wrote down.


End of quarter review

Finally, near the end of the planner, you do a Quarter in Review. Remember the Wellness Check that you did at the start? Do it again at the end, so that you can see if you’ve made improvements in the various aspects of your health.

You will also do a review of your goals. What was the starting point, what are the current results? Which milestones did you miss (if any) and do you continue working on this goal next quarter?


Invest time into yourself and make healthy living your lifestyle. There’s not much else more important in this world. This Mindful Productivity Planner can help you do that.

This new edition of the planner is currently available in a calming sage colour, and new colours are coming soon.

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