Photo by David Iskander

Journalling for holiday stress relief

Do Good Paper Co. journal, diary, notebook

I’ve been writing since I was a child. My very first entries were about the boys I had crushes on and luckily my journalling has evolved since then. 

Journalling doesn’t have to have any specific format because the essence of writing on paper is to do just that: write on paper.

What does that mean though? Why is this significant? 

Writing on paper means that whatever is on your mind, gets to be seen and re-read for further contemplation. Reflecting on our mental dialogue is key because most of our thoughts don’t even belong to us. Studies have proven that we collect data (thoughts) from the ether and claim these thoughts as our own. There are hundreds of thoughts that have been thought for decades, which means a lot of the thoughts we think that cause us stress are not originally thought up by us. Instead, these thoughts are described as energy bubbles, waiting to be taken in by the next individual who is vulnerable to them. 

My journalling practice needs to be very consistent, especially around this season because the holidays are full of extra time with people; family, friends, colleagues.

My journal comes with me to functions, especially those ones that are unavoidable. I’ve maintained this commitment because if and when I find myself in a conversation or situation where I feel drained, I sneak away to the bathroom and write. 

The benefit of doing this is that I’m able to write my feelings in that exact moment and release it from my body. In the past, when my journal was left at home, any arising emotions or thoughts stayed in my body and only generated more frustration or negative feelings because I didn’t have an outlet. 

Journalling has helped me with releasing thoughts and emotions, managing stress and anxiety and improving my relationship to others as I’m able to write vulnerably and then reflect on how I can improve my mindset and behaviour. 

I believe journalling is for everyone. Not all like to call it “journalling” but regardless what you call it, writing on paper is an essential practice that balances out both hemispheres of the brain. When we connect to paper from a neurological perspective, so much happens that we have recently, since the boom of notepads in iPhones, taken for granted. 

After publishing my book, Beautiful Becoming, I sought an ethical company that I could partner with because when I wrote my book, my intention was to give my readers an experience of writing and reflecting. Beautiful Becoming is full of writing prompts to gain clarity and a mental release. Myself and Do Good Paper Co. have put together an irresistible bundle, that you can get more info on here.

A bit more on writing on paper…

Writing on paper has always been the way for many successful visionaries and two that I’d like to mention are Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs. We all know the tremendous impact these two individuals have played in our world. Imagine what you could accomplish or create by writing in your journal.

-- Written by guest blogger, Tina Addorisio

Banner photo by David Iskander

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